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Frequently Asked Questions

Why an ADHD coach and not a therapist?

If you need help with your day-to-day life, an ADHD  coach is an expert in getting to the bottom of the problem by working with you. An ADHD coach helps you clarify what's going on in your uniquely wired brain or why things aren't working how you want them to. An ADHD coach helps you find tools and strategies to move you forward positively. 

Newcastle Australia

What is the difference between
coaching and other forms of therapy?

Coaching is the practical steps for how to move forward. Coaching focuses primarily on what it will take for you to progress in the areas of life that are important to you. Other therapists usually work more on understanding or diagnosing the cause of specific symptoms and then recommending treatment or management plans.

Aerial View of Surfers

Is REACH ADHD Coaching and Consultancy
a registered NDIS provider?

No, we are not a registered NDIS provider. However, you can still be able to claim session fees via NDIS if you are self-managed or fund-managed. If you are self-funded, you should contact NDIS before booking a session to confirm you will be reimbursed when REACH sends you an invoice. REACH will need a  contract/purchase order from you before you engage in coaching, as we will be invoicing you directly.

If you are fund-managed, we will send you a customised invoice.
You can send this invoice to your fund manager for payment directly to us.

Girl on surfboard

Is there a situation where coaching might not work?

Working with a coach lets you put your thoughts and feelings into words. This act is beneficial, as it helps you see your challenges more clearly. By working together to find and test tools and strategies is one of the most significant benefits that coaching is known for. One situation when coaching does not appear to work is when a client expects the coach to solve their problems. Another is when the client doesn’t participate openly. This might happen if the client only attends coaching to keep someone else happy.

Adult woman meditating on beach

What happens in sessions?

As a client, we ask you to bring your challenges to the session in each session. We ask you all about them to get clarity and perspective. Then we brainstorm strategies and tools, and you decide what to try. We put an action in place that works for you. Usually, there are wins.

However, along the way, there will be barriers that we will need to explore.

Each session is yours to bring up the challenge you want help with, and our job is to make sure you walk out with greater awareness and ways to move forward.

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